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Instagram ~ Add Yours


Recently I have been wondering how to put together an 'Add Yours' mockup template for surface pattern designers. I have sort of figured it out so thought I'd put a post showing how I did it, hopefully it will help other designers. Feel free to comment if it's not clear or if you've found a better way.

First of all you need to find a suitable background image. You can find images all over, there are sites such as Freepik where you can download them for free (you just need to attribute to the creator). Creative Market is another place as well as Etsy, to name just a few. My favourite place for all things mockup is Creatsy, but that tends to be more for editable mockups using PSD files and for the purposes of this, I just needed a Jpeg. I bought my image on Etsy from CC Mockup Factory.

I work in Adobe Illustrator so I will show how I did it in that but you can use Photoshop and I'm sure you could also use other programs.

Open the background image in Illustrator. Use the pen tool to trace around the part of the image that you want to replace, in this case the tea towel, using no fill and no stroke.

Once you have completed the outline of the tea towel, select it and copy and paste it into a new document. Just choose any size artboard and then resize the artboard to fit around the outline.

Now open any document with pattern that you have created and select that pattern swatch, copy (control C). Go to open document with tea towel outline and paste the pattern swatch into the document. The pattern should now appear in your swatches panel on the right.

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